I got up, had my juice and got ready to go shopping, but when I went to start the car, the battery was dead. And not just kinda sorta pretend dead, but really dead. Dead dead. My friend and I even tried to jump start the car, but with zero success so I'm now waiting for Triple-A to come bring me a new battery.
These events got me thinking. Thinking about how I handled this small yet inconvenient crisis.
In the past, I would have come in and gotten into something food wise or I would have made plans to have something delivered like Chinese food or pizza. Basically, I would have had a meltdown. I would have turned to food to make myself feel better and give me some sort of comfort. Basically I would have gone and binged on something unhealthy because I was having a 'bad' day.
Today, however, I didn't do that. I came inside and had a juice instead. And I'm calm. I'm a pretty high strung person and can get stressed out or worked up about the littlest of things. There's nothing wrong with me, it's just who I am and how I am. Calm is something I am always striving for and today, I have (mostly) achieved it.
Ah, for the love of calm!
I swear, it's the juice.
Today's Juices
Sweet Green
1 Pear
2 Kiwis
1/4 Head of Cabbage
1 Zucchini
1 Cucumber
6 Collard Green Leaves
1 Lime
1 1" Piece of Ginger
Plain Red
3 Apples
6 Carrots